Title page

Latest Updates

  • Permanent change of service times

    Starting in June, the time of regular weekday morning Masses in the parish church is changing. Masses on Tuesdays and Thursdays begin at 9:45, half an hour earlier.

The parish newsletter is only available in Czech.

Opening hours of the parish church

Saturday-Sunday 14:30-16:30

On days when evening mass is held, the church can be visited until 17:00.

There is no charge to enter the church.

The church is also open at least 45 minutes before each Mass. You can find a list of these at parish church page. Wednesdays and Fridays are usually open from 16 (not guaranteed).

Invidividual spiritual service

22. 10. 2020

Father Řehoř (Gregorius) is available to anyone interested for an individual interview or the Sacrament of Reconciliation, or even the Sacrament of the Sick and the administration of the viaticum. Please note that only Czech or Italian conversations can be held.

Call +420 604 877 223.

Litanies in times of contagious diseases

20. 3. 2020
